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Roma - Italy, May 22nd - May 25th, 2018
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DTIP Symposium Sponsors
By clicking on the logo below, you will access directly the website of our sponsors...

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If you wish to join us and to support financially DTIP, please contact us by email.

We are proposing two sponsoring options for DTIP'2018

Gold sponsor (3 k€ excluding VAT)
  • full access to the conference for up to three persons
  • a 8 m2 stand in the main hall of the conference for the whole conference
  • logo of the company on all documents of the conference
  • flyer of the company to be distributed by the conference organizers
  • presentation of the company in a dedicated exhibitor plenary session
  • sponsoring of the event mentionned in all publications related to the social program

  • Silver sponsor (1.5k€ excluding VAT)
  • full access to the conference for up to two persons
  • a 4 m2 stand in the main hall of the conference for the whole conference
  • logo of the company on all documents of the conference
  • presentation of the company in a dedicated exhibitor plenary session