Valletta, Malta - May 28th - 31st, 2023 | ![]() |
Call for participation
DTIP'2023 will be the 25th anniversary edition of the Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS. This unique event brings together participants interested in MEMS/MOEMS processing and those interested in design tools and methods to facilitate the design of MEMS/MOEMS. All aspects including design, modeling, testing, micro-machining, integration and packaging of structures, devices and systems are addressed in two main Conferences, Special Sessions and Invited Talks. Papers presented at the conference will appear in IEEE Xplore.
We look forward to welcoming you in Valletta next may.
Emile Martincic & Pascal Nouet
DTIP aims to present the latest research in “Design, Integration, Test and Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS”. A program committee composed with international experts in their field will review all submitted papers. Even if shorter abstracts will be considered, it is highly recommended to submit extended abstracts (2 pages of text plus one page of figures) for efficient and fair scientific reviewing. Detailed instructions regarding electronic submissions are posted on the DTIP website.
Note: Companies that want to advertise their products are discouraged to submit a research paper if there is no revelation of any scientific contribution or rupture with respect to the state-of-the-art. In that later case, it is recommended to consider becoming a sponsor/exhibitor of the conference.
For those of you, who intend to propose a special session, feel free to propose a topic by email (dtip@dtip-mems.org) at your earliest convenience. When proposing a special session, please mention how many submissions are expected. Special session organizers will be in charge of attracting papers, organizing the review and making the final selection with the support of the DTIP organization. The coupling of a special session with an invited talk is strongly recommended.
The symposium program will include three plenary sessions with invited talks and/or technical panels. Feel free to propose topics to be addressed and/or to nominate colleagues for an invited talk.
The 2023’s edition of DTIP will be held in Valletta, Malta, from May 28th till May 31st in the old building of Università ta’ Malta. Important dates are:
Paper Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2023.
Notification of Acceptance: April 15th, 2023.
Early bird registration: April 15th, 2023 ... delayed. Coming april 17th week.
Camera ready submission: May 27th, 2023.