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Dresden, Germany - June 2nd - 5th, 2024

A A4 printer friendly program can be found here

Sunday, June 2nd

17:30 – 19:00   Dresden guided tour. The appointment is at Albertplatz - we'll stand at one of the fountains with a flag.

The tour details and path can be found >>> here <<< (Albertplatz is the A point on the map).

The weather for sunday is announced very rainy. Please think of having an umbrella or a raincoat.

19:00 – 21:30 : Dinner at >>>> Pulverturm restaurant <<<<. Committees meeting for final organization setup and last minute adjustments.

Monday, June 3rd

9:00 – 9:30   Registration and welcome coffee/tea.
9:30 – 10:25 Starting session: materials

Chairperson: Emile Martincic, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay, France

Emile Martincic / Peter Schneider  / Uwe Marschner Welcome address
C. Tsai, Z. Xiong, C. Lee Investigation of Micro Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Performance under Different Electrode Materials
W. Hortschitz, F. Keplinger, G. Kovacs Materials for encapsulating micro-system-based electric-field sensors


10:25 – 11:00 : Pause

11:00 – 12:00 : RF devices
Chairperson: Yves-Alain Peter, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

T. Furcatte, J. Barcelo Aguilo, W. Trzpil, M. Gely, M. Kazar Mendes, G. Jourdan, S. Hentz, M. Sansa Optimizing optomechanical resonators for ultra-high-frequency timing applications
A. Cismaru, Gm Sardi, G. Tagliapietra, J. Iannacci, F. Giacomozzi, R. Marcelli Improved Design of Metamaterial Resonating Filters driven by RF MEMS Switches
NR MD Ashif, U. Gengenbach, I. Sieber Process Development for Digital Fabrication of Radio Frequency Transmission Lines with Off-the-Shelf Equipment


12:00 – 13:30 : Lunch pause

13:30 – 14:30 : Biomedical applications
Chairperson: Yoshio Mita, Univ. Tokyo, Japan

O. Francais, I. Kury Abi Nakhoul, P. Davidson, L. Rousseau, P. Poulichet, S. Robben, J. Roy, P. Thiebaud, AR Ribeiro Impedance-based spectroscopy system for monitoring cell polarizations on MEA
S. Riahi, G. Becan, M. Ammar, A. Bosseboeuf, F. Laourine, B. Boutaud, D. Bouville, A. Harouri, P. Coste, E. Lefeuvre Evaluation of optical interferometry for thickness uniformity control of Parylene HT coating on titanium substrates
O. Francais, J. Roy, THN Dinh, A. Rezgui, L. Rousseau, P. Poulichet Reusable microfluidic chip combining auto-electrode alignment with lateral microfluidic accesses for biomedical applications 


14:30 – 15:00 : Pause

15:00 – 17:00 : Sponsors slot + 5 min Poster presentations
Chairperson: Olivier Français, ESYCOM, Univ. G. Eiffel, France

Hanna Pfannenstiel, Martin Ungerer, Ingo Sieber Digital Twin Architecture to Use for Optimizing an AoD-Printing Process
YC Liu, BJ Lwo, TC Chung Transmission Line Designs on Glass-Embedded Fan Out Antenna in Packaging for 5G Applications
Y. Fang, H. Han, D. Gai, K. Ouyang, S. Qu, DF. Wang, T. Ono, T. Itoh Thermoelastic Damping for Structural Optimization
Applicable to Resonant Galvanometers
S. Chen, DF. Wang, T. Ono, T. Itoh A Passive Non-uniform Magnetic Field Sensing Mechanism with A Composite Cantilever
J. Kishore, AK Pandey Design and Modeling of Differential Capacitive Hexagonal Beam based MEMS Accelerometer
VD Dwivedi, AK Mishra, N. Jani, PK Menon, AK Pandey Closed Loop Sense Feedback Control for A Dual Proof Mass MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope
A. Godinez Perez Medina, A. Brenes, J. Juillard Design of a novel electrostatic MEMS resonator with hybrid nonlinear behavior

Tuesday, June 4th

8:30 – 9:00 Welcome and coffee

9:00 – 9:45 : Invited talk

Jan Grahman MEMS scanners: Mastering front & backend from customer-specific development to pilot production

9:45 – 10:00 : Pause

10:00 – 11:00 : Design, simulation and validation
Chairperson: Romolo Marcelli, CNR, Italy

D. Mayer, P. Schneider Challenges in design and validation of MEMS based IoT solutions
I. Sieber, A. Deleut, L. Petani, C. Pylatiuk  Design and simulation of a body-worn optical xylene measuring device for use in pathology  
P. Tacyniak, S. Basrour, M. Defoort  A Pspice model to numerically design piezoelectric-based acoustic power transfer 

11:00 – 11:20 : Pause

11:20 – 12:20 : Short Course on System level Modeling (part I)
Chairperson: Peter Schneider

Tamara Bechtold  Towards System-Level Modeling and High-Fidelity Simulations of MEMS: 
Challenges, State-of-the-Art, Perspectives


12:20 – 13:50 : Lunch pause

13:50 – 14:30 : Short Course on System level Modeling (part II)
Chairperson: Peter Schneider

Tamara Bechtold  Towards System-Level Modeling and High-Fidelity Simulations of MEMS: 
Challenges, State-of-the-Art, Perspectives


14:30 – 15:00 : Pause

15:00 – 16:30 : Special Session on Modelling Methodology + Panel Discussion
Chairperson: Peter Schneider

G. Schrag, G. Bosetti  Physically Based System-level Modeling of Acoustic MEMS Transducers by Generalized Kirchhoffian Networks: a Perspective View 
A. Ehrenhofer, P. Bakardjiev, W. Yawen, A. Voigt, U. Marschner, A. Richter, T. Wallmersperger System design and models for active materials
B. Schwartz, G. Brokmann, T. Ortlepp Workflow for Modelling Electrical Properties of Piezoresistive Silicon MEMS Devices
Gabi Schrag, Tamara Bechtold, Adrian Ehrenhofer, Geert Brokmann

Moderator: Peter Schneider
Panel Discussion


16:30 – 17:45 : Logistics – from institute to Gläserne Manufaktur 


17:45 – 18:30 : Guided tour @ Gläserne Manufaktur


17:00 – 23:00 : Social event



Wednesday, June 5th

8:30 – 9:00 Welcome and coffee

9:00 – 10:00 MEMS devices (1)
Chairperson: Alina Cismaru, IMT Bucharest, Romania

S. Bargiel, F. Zamkotsian, L. Gauthier-Manuel, D. Belharet, R. Salut  MOEMS for space applications: the challenge of multi-wafer bonding
A. Ustun, J. Zou  Micromachined Silicon Acoustic Delay Lines for High-Frequency Ultrasound Sensing and Imaging 
W. Al-Mogahed, S. Voigt, P. Mehner, G. Paschew, A. Richter, J. Mehner  Multi Fourier Horn Ultrasonic Nebulizer Based on Laser Structuring of Silicon 


10:00 – 10:20 : Pause 

10:20 – 11:20 MEMS devices (2)
Chairperson: Franz Keplinger, TU Wien, Austria

L. Ackermann, M. Lewis, G. Aleksanyan, D. Palm, F. Pelke Experimental Study on Repetitive Shock Measurements for MEMS Accelerometers  
T. Zhu, E. Lefeuvre, E. Herth, D. Bouville, A. Brenes Novel design of SOI-based MEMS bell plates for resonant applications 
Z. Nazyrova, P. Menge M'Owono, S. Hage-Ali, E. Martincic Piezoelectric ZnO chemical etching for zero-power MEMS applications


11:20 – 11:40 : Pause 

11:40 – 12:40 Design and Characterization
Chairperson: Gabriele Schrag, TU München, Germany

R. Takahashi, K. Misumi, K. Tsuji, Ac Eiler, S. Yasunaga, A. Higo, R. Nakane, T. Iizuka, M. Ezawa, Y. Mita  Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Topological Electrical Circuit Using In-Plane Mutual Inductance
L. Koker, Km Reichert, U. Gengenbach, M. Reischl, M. Ungerer  Modular Platform for Automated Characterisation of Printed Structures, Devices and Circuits
F. Sakuma, S. Yasunaga, K. Misumi, A. Higo, Y. Mita Constructing Temperature Constant Controlled Silicon-on-Insulator Bolometer


12:40 – 12:55 Closing session

12:55 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:00 Commitees meeting

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