Virtual event, August 25th - 27th, 2021 |
Don’t miss the premier European scientific event on Microsystems, MEMS and MOEMS >> Save the date!!!
Despite the sanitary crisis, DTIP’2020 (held online) was extremely
appreciated by 72 registered participants. 32 oral presentations were
carefully selected from 63 submissions by the Technical Program
Committee to insure a high scientific level. DTIP is definitively the
premier MEMS scientific conference in Europe.
If you missed the last DTIP Symposium, do not miss the scientific articles published in the IEEE Xplore database.
Alternatively, some oral presentations are still available for viewing on DTIP channel. Some of them reached 100 views and even more towards our open access program.
In-line with previous editions, DTIP’2021 will be a scientific event with two main conferences, special sessions and invited talks. In order to encourage presentation of recent and innovative research contributions, submission deadline has been set as close as possible to the event.
paper submission
DTIP aims to present the latest research in Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of Sensors, Actuators, Microsystems, MEMS, NEMS and MOEMS.
A program committee composed with international experts in their field will review all submissions.
Extended abstracts of about one page of text plus one page of figures will be considered.
Detailed instructions regarding electronic submissions are available on the Authors page.
Final papers will be due on the week before the first day of the conference to appear in IEEE Xplore.
Submission to a special issue of an indexed journal will also be encouraged for the best papers.
Important dates are as follows:
Extended abstract submission: May 31st, 2021 (see submission template on the author page)
Notification of acceptance: as of July 14th, 2021
Registration: as of July 15th, 2021
IEEE Xplore camera-ready final version (4 to 6 pages, IEEE Format): August 23rd, 2021
This widely transverse special session will address most of the topics of regular DTIP submissions such as design, devices & components, fabrication, integration, packaging, materials as soon as specific attention has been paid to the impact on environment considering the entire life cycle of the device. The purpose is to gather and enlight contributions dealing in some way with this technological and at the end, societal issue. By promoting interactions between contributors and with other interested researchers, it aims to foster the emergence of ethical ideas, projects, innovations in the field of microsystem technologies.
Special session organizer: Corinne Dejous, Univ. Bordeaux
Specific submission deadline: June 15th, 2021
Please contact the organizer for late submissions or more information (dejous@enseirb-matmeca.fr).
Product-oriented papers
Companies that want to advertise their products (such as sensors, equipment or CAD tools) are discouraged to submit a research paper if there is no revelation of any scientific contribution or rupture with respect to the state-of-the-art. In that case, it is recommended to consider becoming an exhibitor at the conference to benefit from a large audience (an oral presentation in a plenary session and a stand). Please visit the Sponsor/Exhibitors page.
Questions may be directed in the meantime by e-mail (dtip@dtip-mems.org).
For those of you, who intend to propose a special session, feel free to propose a topic by email (dtip@dtip-mems.org) at your earliest convenience.
When proposing a special session, please mention how many submissions are expected. Special session organizers will be responsible for attracting papers, organizing the review and making the final selection with the support of the DTIP organization.
Please refer to the program of past editions to have an overview of previous special sessions.
Invited talks and panels
The symposium program will include three plenary sessions with invited talks and/or technical panels. Feel free to propose topics to be addressed and/or to nominate colleagues for an invited talk by email (dtip@dtip-mems.org) at your earliest convenience.
Looking forward to have you on-board for this 23rd edition of DTIP,
Jérôme Juillard, Peter Schneider, Stewart Smith and Abdelkrim Talbi, Conference co-Chairs
Corinne Dejous and Frédérick Mailly, Publication co-Chairs
Emile Martincic, Vice-General Chair
Pascal Nouet, General Chair
If you missed the last DTIP Symposium, do not miss the scientific articles published in the IEEE Xplore database.
Alternatively, some oral presentations are still available for viewing on DTIP channel. Some of them reached 100 views and even more towards our open access program.
In-line with previous editions, DTIP’2021 will be a scientific event with two main conferences, special sessions and invited talks. In order to encourage presentation of recent and innovative research contributions, submission deadline has been set as close as possible to the event.
DTIP aims to present the latest research in Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of Sensors, Actuators, Microsystems, MEMS, NEMS and MOEMS.
A program committee composed with international experts in their field will review all submissions.
Extended abstracts of about one page of text plus one page of figures will be considered.
Detailed instructions regarding electronic submissions are available on the Authors page.
Final papers will be due on the week before the first day of the conference to appear in IEEE Xplore.
Submission to a special issue of an indexed journal will also be encouraged for the best papers.
Important dates are as follows:
Extended abstract submission: May 31st, 2021 (see submission template on the author page)
Notification of acceptance: as of July 14th, 2021
Registration: as of July 15th, 2021
IEEE Xplore camera-ready final version (4 to 6 pages, IEEE Format): August 23rd, 2021
This widely transverse special session will address most of the topics of regular DTIP submissions such as design, devices & components, fabrication, integration, packaging, materials as soon as specific attention has been paid to the impact on environment considering the entire life cycle of the device. The purpose is to gather and enlight contributions dealing in some way with this technological and at the end, societal issue. By promoting interactions between contributors and with other interested researchers, it aims to foster the emergence of ethical ideas, projects, innovations in the field of microsystem technologies.
Special session organizer: Corinne Dejous, Univ. Bordeaux
Specific submission deadline: June 15th, 2021
Please contact the organizer for late submissions or more information (dejous@enseirb-matmeca.fr).
Companies that want to advertise their products (such as sensors, equipment or CAD tools) are discouraged to submit a research paper if there is no revelation of any scientific contribution or rupture with respect to the state-of-the-art. In that case, it is recommended to consider becoming an exhibitor at the conference to benefit from a large audience (an oral presentation in a plenary session and a stand). Please visit the Sponsor/Exhibitors page.
Questions may be directed in the meantime by e-mail (dtip@dtip-mems.org).
For those of you, who intend to propose a special session, feel free to propose a topic by email (dtip@dtip-mems.org) at your earliest convenience.
When proposing a special session, please mention how many submissions are expected. Special session organizers will be responsible for attracting papers, organizing the review and making the final selection with the support of the DTIP organization.
Please refer to the program of past editions to have an overview of previous special sessions.
Invited talks and panels
The symposium program will include three plenary sessions with invited talks and/or technical panels. Feel free to propose topics to be addressed and/or to nominate colleagues for an invited talk by email (dtip@dtip-mems.org) at your earliest convenience.
Looking forward to have you on-board for this 23rd edition of DTIP,
Jérôme Juillard, Peter Schneider, Stewart Smith and Abdelkrim Talbi, Conference co-Chairs
Corinne Dejous and Frédérick Mailly, Publication co-Chairs
Emile Martincic, Vice-General Chair
Pascal Nouet, General Chair