Virtual event, August 25th - 27th, 2021 |
Attendees Program (Registration is mandatory): Join the meeting on the Zoom platform
Open Access Program: View recorded sessions on our YouTube Channel
hours delay)
August 25th, 2021
08:45-09:00 (gmt+2) - Sponsor's introduction - Nadia Kim, NEXTRON (Break-out room #1)
Please download the brochure of NEXTRON using this link
09:00-10:36 (gmt+2) - Session 1 - System-level design and signal processing
Session chair: Jérôme JUILLARD, CentraleSupélec, France
Time | Paper Title and Authors | Paper | Break-out Room |
9:00 | (9) Method for the computer-aided design of hydrogel- based
microfluidic chips Andreas VOIGT (Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany), Jörg SCHREITER (Technische Universitat Dresden - Germany), Christian MAYR (TU Dresden - Germany), Andreas RICHTER (Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany) |
link | BoR#2 |
9:20 | (31) MEMS based Low-Power Multi-Sensors device for
Bio-Logging Applications Laurent LATORRE, Jonathan MIQUEL (LIRMM - France), Simon CHAMAILLE-JAMMES (CEFE, CNRS - France) |
link | BoR#3 |
9:40 | (15) Characterization of electrical and mechanical coupling
in MEMS gyroscopes with electrical measurements Margot MORLANS, Jean GUERARD (ONERA - France), Jerome JUILLARD (CentraleSupélec - France) |
link | BoR#4 |
10:00 | (36) Gyroscope-Free UAV Navigation Hamad ALZAABI, Ibrahim ELFADEL (Khalifa University - United Arab Emirates) |
link | BoR#5 |
IN MEDICAL APPLICATIONS Patrick POULICHET (ESIEE-Paris - France), Valentin HéLIAS, Lionel ROUSSEAU, Olivier FRANCAIS, Nicolas INACIO (ESIEE-Paris - Univ G EIFFEL - France), Gaelle LISSORGUES (ESIEE Paris - Univ G EIFFEL - France) |
link | BoR#6 |
10:24 | (40) On-chip measurement of pH using a microcantilever: a
biomimetic design approach Alireza TAJEDDIN, Nur MUSTAFAOGLU, Murat Kaya YAPICI (Sabanci University - Turkey) |
link | BoR#7 |
10:36-11:00 (gmt+2) - Coffee Break Corners (Sponsor and Session 1)
Please feel free to meet each presenter in its Break-out Room (see numbers above) or to stay in the plenary session room to discuss or chat with
other participants.
11:00-12:28 (gmt+2) - Session 2 - Microfabrication, materials/processes
Session chair: Abdelkrim TALBI, Centrale Lille, France
Time | Paper Title and Authors | Paper | Break-out Room |
11:00 | (5) Design and Characterisation of Microfluidic Channels
Fabricated using Additive Manufacturing Techniques Gianluca BALDACCHINO, Ivan GRECH, Russell FARRUGIA (University of Malta - Malta) |
link | BoR#1 |
11:20 | (10) BEOL modifications of a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology
for monolithic integration of thin-film wafer-level encapsulated D-Band
RF-MEMS switches Alexander GöRITZ (IHP - Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik - Germany), Selin TOLUNAY WIPF (IHP - Germany), Matthias WIETSTRUCK, Mehmet KAYNAK, Mirko FRASCHKE, Andreas KRüGER, Marco LISKER (IHP - Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik - Germany) |
link | BoR#2 |
11:40 | (13) Titanium isotropic and anisotropic etching for MEMS
applications Rim ETTOURI (GREMI CNRS/University of Orléans & MISTIC SAS - France), Thomas TILLOCHER (GREMI CNRS/University of Orléans - France), Philippe LEFAUCHEUX (GREMI CNRS/University of Orl?ans - France), Bertrand BOUTAUD, Jodie PHUNG, Hadrien PHILIPPE (MISTIC SAS - France), R?mi DUSSART (GREMI CNRS/University of Orl?ans - France) |
link | BoR#3 |
11:52 | (19) Use of epitaxial PZT thin films for La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 based
MEMs devices on SrTiO3/Si Laryssa CARVALHO DE ARAUJO (UNICAEN - France), Jacques JUNIOR MANGUELE (Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, CNRS, CRISMAT Caen, France - France), Bertrand VILQUIN (Université de Lyon, Ecole centrale de Lyon, INL UMR CNRS 5270 Ecully, France - France), Zhe WANG (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA - United States), Carolina ADAMO (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University Ithaca, New York, USA - United States), Pedro ROJO ROMEO (Université de Lyon, Ecole centrale de Lyon, INL UMR CNRS 5270 Ecully, France - France), Christophe CIBERT, Gilles POULLAIN, Bernadette DOMENGèS (Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, CNRS, CRISMAT Caen, France - France), Victor PIERRON (Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, CNRS, GREYC Caen, France - France), Darrell G. SCHLOM (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University & Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science, Cornell University Ithaca, New York, USA - United States), Laurence MéCHIN (Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, CNRS, GREYC Caen, France - France) |
link | BoR#4 |
12:04 | (3) A Facile Way of Surface Texturing of Si{100} using KOH
for Silicon Solar Cells Arti GUPTA, Prem PAL, Chandra Shekhar SHARMA (IITH - India) |
link | BoR#5 |
12:16 | (20) ZnO and Al-doped ZnO Sol-Gel Properties Nizar BEN MOUSSA (C2N - France), Mohamed LAJNEF (LaNSER - Tunisia), Nessrine JEBARI, Frederic MAHUT, Fabiien BAYLE (C2N - France), Cedric VILLEBASSE (c2N - France), Alan DURNEZ, Christophe DUPUIS, Francois MAILLARD, Xavier LAFOSSE (C2N - France), Radhouane CHTOUROU (LaNSER - Tunisia), Etienne HERTH (C2N - France) |
link | BoR#6 |
12:28-13:00 (gmt+2) - Coffee Break Corners (Session 2)
Please feel free to meet each presenter in its Break-out Room (see numbers above) or to stay in the plenary session room to discuss or chat with
other participants.
August 26th, 2021
Session chair: Yoshio MITA, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Time | Paper Title and Authors | Paper | Break-out Room |
8:30 | (6) Design, analysis and application of a micro
electromagnetic actuator with high force density chao ZHI (Institute of Electronics Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics - China), yue WANG (China Academy of Engineering Physics - China) |
link | BoR#1 |
8:50 | (4) Efficient Flow Generation of a Bionically Inspired Micro
Actuator by Dedicated Optimized Electrical Excitation Robert ANNUTH (TUM - Germany), Wolfgang HöLZL, Gabriele BOSETTI, Gabriele SCHRAG (Technical University of Munich - Germany) |
link | BoR#2 |
9:10 | (16) Wind tunnel integration of Micro-Magneto-Mechanical
Systems (MMMS) microvalves for flow control experiments Thomas ARNOULT (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France), Colin LECLERCQ (ONERA - France), Cécile GHOUILA-HOURI (Centrale Lille - France), Aurélien MAZZAMURRO, Manon OLIVEIRA-BENEDITO (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France), Romain VIARD (JMH Conception - France), Quentin GALLAS, Eric GARNIER, Denis SIPP (ONERA - France), Abdelkrim TALBI, Philippe PERNOD (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France) |
link | BoR#3 |
09:30-10:22 (gmt+2) - Session 4 - Environment friendly and sustainable approaches for sensors and actuators
Session chair: Corinne DEJOUS, University of Bordeaux, France
Time | Paper Title and Authors | Paper | Break-out Room |
9:30 | (37) Miniaturized Soft Transformable Swimmer for
Evironmentally Friendly and Sustainable Fluidic Carrier Gilgueng HWANG (CNRS - Japan), Atsushi TOYOKURA, Akio HIGO, Beomjoon KIM (The University of Tokyo - Japan), Yoshio MITA (Univ. Tokyo Japan - Japan) |
link | BoR#4 |
9:40 | (38) Bottom-Up Life-Cycle Assessment of MEMS Piezoresistive
Pressure Sensors Grégoire LE BRUN, Thibault DELHAYE, Jean-Pierre RASKIN, Denis FLANDRE (UCLouvain - Belgium) |
link | BoR#5 |
10:10 | (39) Brush Painting All-Carbon Wearable Dual Temperature and
Strain Sensor for Human Health Monitoring Adeel ARSHAD (Information Technology University of the Punjab - Pakistan), Muhammad Umaid BUKHARI (Information Technology University - Pakistan), Muhammad Qasim MEHMOOD, Muhammad ZUBAIR, Kashif RIAZ (Information Technology University of the Punjab - Pakistan) |
link | BoR#6 |
10:22-10:50 (gmt+2) - Coffee Break Corners (Session 3 and 4)
Please feel free to meet each presenter in its Break-out Room (see numbers above) or to stay in the plenary session room to discuss or chat with
other participants.
10:50-12:22 (gmt+2) - Session 5 - Acoustic/Resonant/RF MEMS
Session chair: Stewart SMITH, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Time | Paper Title and Authors | Paper | Break-out Room |
10:50 | (23) Investigation of a mechanical contact type RF-MEMS
switch for VHF band applications Munira BENGASHIER, Ivan GRECH, Owen CASHA, Russell FARRUGIA, Barnaby PORTELLI (University of Malta - Malta) |
link | BoR#1 |
11:10 | (29) Solid-fluid acoustic sensor based on Fano resonances Ilyasse QUOTANE, Amrani MADIHA (Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere et du Rayonnement (LPMR), 6 7 Departement de Physique, Faculte des Sciences, 8 Universite Mohammed I, Oujda, Morocco - Morocco), Cécile GHOUILA-HOURI (Centrale Lille - France), El Houssaine EL BOUDOUTI (Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere et du Rayonnement (LPMR), 6 7 Departement de Physique, Faculte des Sciences, 8 Universite Mohammed I, Oujda, Morocco - Morocco), Leonid KRUTYANSKIY (IEMN/Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, - Russian Federation), Bogdan PIWAKOWSKI, Philippe PERNOD (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France), Abdelkrim TALBI (Centrale Lille, France - France), Bahram DJAFARI-ROUHANI (IEMN - France) |
link | BoR#2 |
11:30 | (28) Sensitivity of Surface Phononic Crystals modes to
temperature and mechanical stress. Abdelkrim TALBI (Centrale Lille, France - France), Ghizlaine BOUSSATOUR (Centrale Lille/IEMN UMR CNRS 8520, France - France), Aurélien MAZZAMURRO (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France), Cécile GHOUILA-HOURI (Centrale Lille - France), Philippe PERNOD (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France), Boumatar OLIVIER (e/IEMN UMR CNRS 8520 - France) |
link | BoR#3 |
11:50 | (7) Vibrational characterization of bulk-micromachined Ti
membranes Gwenaël BéCAN (MISTIC SAS - France), Alain BOSSEBOEUF (C2N - France), Jodie PHUNG, Hadrien PHILIPPE, Bertrand BOUTAUD (MISTIC SAS - France), Marion WOYTASIK, Philippe COSTE, Elie LEFEUVRE (C2N - France) |
link | BoR#4 |
12:10 | (22) Developing MEMS Electric Current Sensors for End-use
Monitoring of Power Supply: Part X – An IEEE802.11g Protocol
Compliant Integratable Dual-frequency Coaxial Microstrip Antenna Liqiang FAN, Dong F. WANG (Jilin University - China) |
link | BoR#5 |
12:22-13:00 (gmt+2) - Coffee Break Corners (Session 5)
Please feel free to meet each presenter in its Break-out Room (see numbers above) or to stay in the plenary session room to discuss or chat with
other participants.
August 27th, 2021
Session chair: Peter SCHNEIDER, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS, Germany
Time | Paper Title and Authors | Paper | Break-out Room |
8:30 | (2) Effects of curved-beam heights to harvested energy in a
balanced comb-drive configuration Dooyoung HAH (Abdullah Gul University - Turkey) |
link | BoR#1 |
8:50 | (34) Design and simulation of a MEMS device to investigate
the strain engineering properties of 2D nanomaterials Naga Manikanta KOMMANABOINA, Maria F. PANTANO (University of Trento - Italy), Alvise BAGOLINI (Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Italy) |
link | BoR#2 |
9:10 | (35) Design and finite element analysis of an
electrothermally actuated microgripper for biomedical applications Teferi Sitotaw YALLEW, Maria F. PANTANO (University of Trento - Italy), Alvise BAGOLINI (Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Italy) |
link | BoR#3 |
9:30 | (12) Design and Simulation of an Electrostatic Energy
Harvester for Biomedical Implants José AMBIA CAMPOS, Jhordan CHAVEZ (C2N - France), Mickael LALLART (LGEF - France), Elie LEFEUVRE (C2N - France) |
link | BoR#4 |
9:42 | (1) Quasi-static operation of 2-axis-tilt microscanners with
AlN piezoelectric quad-actuators Dooyoung HAH (Abdullah Gul University - Turkey) |
link | BoR#5 |
9:54 | (8) Comparative study of perforated microcantilevers for MEMS
applications Soumya PUROHIT (Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad - India), Prem PAL, Ashok Kumar PANDEY (IITH - India) |
link | BoR#6 |
10:06-10:30 (gmt+2) - Coffee Break Corners (Session 6)
Please feel free to meet each presenter in its Break-out Room (see numbers above) or to stay in the plenary session room to discuss or chat with
other participants.
10:30-11:54 (gmt+2) - Session 7 - Sensors
Session chair: Ibrahim M. ELFADEL, Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates
Time | Paper Title and Authors | Paper | Break-out Room |
10:30 | (18) High temperature gradient micro-sensors for
skin-friction measurement in flow control applications Cécile GHOUILA-HOURI (Centrale Lille - France), Aurélien MAZZAMURRO, Thomas ARNOULT, Manon OLIVEIRA-BENEDITO (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France), Romain VIARD (JMH Conception - France), Quentin GALLAS, Eric GARNIER (ONERA - France), Alain MERLEN (IEMN/Univ Lille - France), Abdelkrim TALBI (Centrale Lille, France - France), Philippe PERNOD (IEMN/Centrale Lille Institut - France) |
link | BoR#1 |
10:50 | (17) Development of a bio-inspired angular acceleration
sensor : towards the non-invasive investigation of inner ear pathologies Etienne PUYOO (INL - France), Alice VIEREN, Lucian ROIBAN, Laurent GRéMILLARD (MATEIS - France), Eugen IONESCU (Institut de l'Audition - France) |
link | BoR#2 |
11:10 | (21) Developing MEMS Electric Current Sensors for End-use
Monitoring of Power Supply: Part Ⅺ – A Nonlinear Error Correction
Scheme Minghua LV, Dong F. WANG (Jilin University - China) |
link | BoR#3 |
11:30 | (14) Micro thermal anemometer for turbulence measurement :
developement, fabrication and characterization Baptiste BARADEL, Olivier LEON (ONERA - France), Alain GIANI (IES - France), Fabien MERY (ONERA - France), Philippe COMBETTE (IES - France) |
link | BoR#4 |
link | BoR#5 |
11:54-12:10 (gmt+2) - Closing Session - Emile Martincic, Vice-General Chair
12:25-13:00 (gmt+2) - Coffee Break Corners (Session 7 and Closing Session)
Please feel free to meet each presenter in its Break-out Room (see numbers above) or to stay in the plenary session room to discuss or chat with
other participants.